Georgetown, Guyana (June 1,2016)- On June 5, 2016, World Environment Day (WED) will be celebrated in Guyana under the theme “Fight against the Illegal Trade in Wildlife”. The main objective of World Environment Day 2016 is to highlight the illegal trade in wildlife and raise awareness and articulate action that can lead to strengthened systems to curtail it. As a country which is known globally for supporting an expansive variety of wildlife species, Guyana through the Ministry of Natural Resources, and its agencies, have planned several activities to observe this important event.
In recognition of the important role of youth in wildlife and environmental preservation, the Ministry has chosen to emphasize youth participation to create greater awareness about issues relating to wildlife and the environment through this year’s activities. The Ministry considers it an imperative to plant seeds of empowerment and awareness now so that they can germinate and bear fruit as youth mature into adults.
Activities planned to engage youth are:
1. June 3, 2016-National Youth Forum
The Ministry will host a National Youth Forum at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre. This activity will bring together 200 youth from forty schools across all ten administrative regions to observe World Environment Day 2016. The forum will provide a space for youth to express their understanding of the WED theme in creative ways, display exhibits in a mini exhibition and hear from the Ministry of Natural Resources, agencies and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) who have been working to protect wildlife and the environment in Guyana. The Forum will commence at 09:00hrs and Minister of Natural Resources Honourable Raphael Trotman is expected to make an address. The Ministry will also use the opportunity to award the winner of the Region #5 Best Kept School Competition before the forum ends at 15:30hrs.
2. June 4, 2016-Iwokrama Visit
A team from the Ministry of Natural Resources and its agencies will accompany twenty-five (25) youth from environmental and voluntary youth groups along the coast to the iconic Iwokrama International Centre. There, they will join thirty five (35) youth from Wildlife Clubs in the North Rupununi, Region 9 to share their experiences and knowledge of flora and fauna and to enjoy and experience the facilities at the Iwokrama International Center.
Simultaneously on June 04, the EPA as the lead Agency with responsibility for environmental protection and conservation will conduct cleanup activities in two communities along the East Coast of Demerara. These exercises are geared towards supporting the efforts of groups and communities who have taken the lead in ridding the environment of the scourge of litter. The two communities that will benefit from the clean up exercise are Golden Grove and Annandale School Road, East Coast Demerara. The proposed sites have already been assessed and plans are being finalized to successfully implement the activities.
3. June 05, 2016- EPA dinner and Awards Ceremony
June 5, 2016 marks the 20th anniversary of the enactment of the Environmental Protection Act (1996) which facilitated the establishment of the EPA. In recognition of its achievements, the EPA will host an award ceremony and dinner as it reflects on the significant contributions it has made to Guyana’s environmental sustainability. Through the years, the EPA has grown from a small staff of less than twenty (20) to close to one hundred (100) employees and has expanded it work programmes, developed new regulations, and increased services of environmental authorizations, investigations, enforcement, research permits, and information and education to the public. This is a notable milestone for the organization that will help to trace its achievements to date and award those who have been an integral part of its success. The Ministry of Natural Resources congratulates the EPA on the achievement of this important milestone and continues to extend it support to help the organization to preserve the environment.
The Ministry also supports the celebration of World Environment Day 2016 across Guyana and encourages all Guyanese to get involved in preserving Guyana’s wildlife and environment, our national patrimony for the benefit of future Generations.