EPA Public Notice


Notice to the Public

Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Limited (EEPGL) has submitted an Application to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for Environmental Authorisation to undertake Phase 1 of Development of Production Facilities for Petroleum Production estimated to last at least twenty (20) years in the Stabroek License Area, Offshore, Guyana.                    ,.

The proposed project will be implemented in multiple stages which include the following activities: well drillings and completions, mobilization and installation of subsea equipment, umbilicals, risers and flowlines (SURF), installation of a floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO)  facility, production operations, and decommissioning. The proposed project will be undertaken in the marine offshore environment within Guyana’s territorial waters and would require land-based activities for support activities at marine shorebases.


In keeping with the Environmental Protection Act, No. 11, 1996, an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required for this offshore large-scale Development of Petroleum Production Facilities before any decision to approve or reject this proposed project is taken, since this development may have significant impacts on the environment.


Members of the public are hereby invited, within twenty-eight (28) days of this Notice, to make written submissions to the Agency, setting out those questions and matters which they require to be answered or considered in the Environmental Impact Assessment.


A summary of the project can be viewed on the EPA’s website or uplifted at the Office mentioned below, at a reasonable cost of photocopying. Comments should be addressed to:

  The Environmental Protection Agency

C/o Director – Environmental Management Permitting Division

Ganges Street, Sophia, Georgetown.

Phone: 225-0506 / 225-5467-8 I 225-5471-2

Fax:    225-5481

E-mail _ epa@epaguyana.org

Website:   www .epaguyana.org

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