Terms of Reference (TOR)- FCPF Procurement Specialist

 Vacancy AD

  1. Background/Context

As one of the largest remaining blocks of primary tropical forest on Earth, the Guiana Shield Eco-Region plays a critical role in mitigating climate change. The Eco-Region contains both the highest percent of primary forest cover (over 90% is intact tropical forest) and the lowest human population density of any major tropical area. Guyana’s forest covers approximately 85% of the country, contains over 5GtCO2 in above ground biomass, and is estimated at 18.378 million hectares (Guyana MRVS Interim Measures Report, 26 July, 2012). Guyana has expressed a commitment to contribute to addressing the second most important source of carbon dioxide emissions world-wide coming from deforestation and forest degradation, estimated at approximately 18% of global emissions. Click here to access the full TOR


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