Category: Guyana Forestry Commission
Press Release – Historic EU-FLEGT Voluntary partnership agreement to be initialed in Brussels, Belgium

Historic EU-FLEGT Voluntary partnership agreement to be initialed in Brussels, Belgium After about six years of extensive engagements with local and international stakeholders on the Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT) Voluntary Partnership Agreement (VPA), Guyana and the European Union are set to initial the agreement in Brussels, Belgium….
Press Release – Guyana delegation to travel to UK to negotiate the lifting of Greenheart import ban

Guyana delegation to travel to UK to push for lifting of Greenheart import ban A Ministry of Natural Resources high-level delegation led by Hon. Raphael G.C Trotman and including Guyana Forestry Commission’s Chairman of the Board, Joslyn Dow, EU-FLEGT Secretariat Head, Kenny David and GFC Deputy Commissioner, Gavin Agard among…
Guyana-Suriname REDD+ Knowledge -Sharing Exchange March 18-22, 2018

GEORGETOWN, Guyana: A team from the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) Project in Guyana recently participated in a three-day REDD+ knowledge-sharing exchange with Suriname. The March 18-22, 2018 mission included formal/technical presentations, summary discussions and field visits organised by the National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname (NIMOS). FCPF…