Cooperative Republic Guyana
Implementation of Guyana’s Readiness Preparation Proposal (R-PP)
Terms of Reference –Consulting Firm to Design and Implement REDD+ Pilot Activities for Guyana
- Background
Guyana’s forest covers approximately 85% of the country and is estimated at 18.475 million hectares (Guyana Monitoring Reporting and Verifications System (MRVS) Interim Measures Report, 27 January, 2015). It contains over 5GtCO2 in aboveground biomass. The second most important source of carbon dioxide emissions world-wide comes from deforestation and forest degradation, estimated at approximately 18% of global emissions. Guyana is committed to its international responsibilities and obligations, including obligations to address issues relating to climate change, more specifically, reductions of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation; conservation of forest carbon stock, sustainable forest management and the enhancement of forest carbon stock.
The government of The Cooperative Republic of Guyana (CRG) has embarked on a National Strategy towards the establishment of a Green Economy. The strategy includes the protection and sustainable management of the country’s forest patrimony in an effort to reduce global carbon emissions and at the same time attract resources to foster socio-economic growth and development.
The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) is a global partnership focused on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+). The Readiness Fund of the FCPF assists tropical and sub-tropical developing countries in generating the systems and policies in preparation for REDD+, conserving forest carbon stock, supporting sustainable management and enhancing forest carbon stocks. To comply with FCPF requirements, the government of the CRG prepared a Readiness Preparation Proposal (RPP) that lays out a roadmap of preparation activities needed to be undertaken for Guyana to become REDD+ ready for all State Forests. The Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) through the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC), the State Agency with the mandate for the administration and management of the State Forest Estate, is responsible for overseeing the national implementation of key technical aspects of REDD+ activities, including REDD+ readiness activities as outlined in Guyana’s R-PP.
In proceeding with the implementation of REDD+, the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), through the Project Execution Unit, in collaboration with the Guyana Forestry Commission and a number of partners are tasked with identifying and developing REDD+ Pilot Projects. This initiative will go towards enabling Guyana to be effectively able to sustain national level activities in the implementation of a forest carbon financing mechanism, such as REDD+.
- Objectives
The overall objective is to prioritize, design and implement four REDD+ pilot projects in consultation with stakeholders, consistent with the REDD+ Strategy and SESA for Guyana.
- Scope of work
The Consulting Firm will prioritize, design and implement four REDD+ pilot projects in consultation with stakeholders, consistent with the REDD+ Strategy and SESA for Guyana.
Project profiles of potential pilot projects
- Based on local proposals garnered from initial consultations with key stakeholders and best practices from pilot projects in other REDD+ countries, the Consulting Firm will develop twelve (12) 1-5 page project profiles of potential pilot projects, to be discussed with stakeholders through consultations. The twelve (12) 1-5 page project profiles will be in areas of the four principal drivers of deforestation and forest degradation , namely: i) the targeted harvesting of a limited number of prime commercial species, with little emphasis being placed by the loggers on efficiencies; (For example conducting preharvest inventories to inform utilization, pre-identification of markets before harvesting, utilization of equipment such as portable mills to gain higher conversion rates); 2) the clearing of forested areas for mining; 3) the conversion of forested areas to allow for agricultural activities; and 4) infrastructure development such as roads.
- The Consulting Firm will also develop selection criteria for the prioritization of the identified pilot projects. The selection criteria will be discussed, refined as required, and agreed upon in consultation with stakeholders. The criteria will be approved by the MNR through the PEU. The selection criteria will include the following:
- Emission reduction potential: The pilot project is to have been designed to target specific drivers of deforestation. As such, it is expected that the activities included in the pilot projects would result during REDD+ in reductions in emissions or maintenance in the already low level of emissions;
- Provision of eco-system services: The pilot project should support cultural, provisioning, regulating or supporting services to the environment and the communities;
- Scalability & replicability: These are important aspects that will be considered in conducting of demonstration/ pilot activities. It is important that project be adaptable for any size of community, as well as be replicable for other communities to follow;
- Social benefits generated: In considering the feasibility of potential REDD+ Activities, it is important for there to be social benefits derived; and
- Multiple co-benefits: Another important consideration that will be that multiple benefits will be derived from these projects.
Those pilot projects profiles that achieve the highest score, based on the approved prioritization criteria, by the Consulting Firm in collaboration with and approved by the MNR and stakeholders and are socially, economically and environmentally feasible will be accepted by the MNR PEU. Consultations with relevant stakeholders are necessary during this stage to get the final approval for the four (4) project profiles that will be implemented. Consultations are to be executed according to the national and IDB guidelines for stakeholder engagement.
Pilot Project Design & Implementation
- The four (4) highest ranked project profiles (one in each of the four sectors) will be designed, including socio-economic impact assessment, cost/benefit analysis, and environmental assessment and implemented by the Firm. The pilot projects should be designed in such a way as to promote one or more of the following: (i) conservation of biodiversity; (ii) sustainable use of non-timber forest products (iii) enhanced environmental sustainability and community resilience to climate change; (iv) maintenance of cultural practices and preserve cultural identity; and (v) prevention of damaging social and environmental impacts of clear fell logging and oil palm agriculture. The pilot projects should also test and generate information that can inform the analysis of alternatives that address each deforestation and degradation driver.
- At the same time, the pilot projects are to be designed to test mechanisms for sharing of various co-benefits for participating Amerindian communities and other forest-based communities. Pilot projects are to be implemented in collaboration with local partners that have experience within these areas so as to build synergies.
- A Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system must be included in the design and implementation of each pilot project. The need for local community engagement in REDD+ activities, including MRV, has been recognised the CRG as an integral aspect in the development of the REDD+ Strategy. As a pilot initiative relating to community involvement in the MRV System, a project in this area has been launched to establish early lessons. This project is being implemented by the Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development (Iwokrama), Global Canopy Programme (GCP) and the North Rupununi District Development Board (NRDDB), specifically Annai, and the GFCC.
In addition to the community involvement in the MRV, the pilot projects are to include an independent forest monitoring activity as well. Some of the expected outcomes of the MRV are to:
- build capacity for local communities in Guyana to measure and report on key indicators and metrics such as forest carbon stocks and biodiversity in relation to relevant drivers of forest area change;
- provide the communities with information that can help underpin their adaptive management processes and climate change adaptation strategies;
- enable monitoring of the impacts of potential future REDD+ activities that might occur on community lands, with particular regard to social and environmental safeguards;
- verify that such monitoring produces reliable information that can feed into the national MRV System and in accordance with IPCC guidelines Trade- off Analysis / Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) of each REDD+ candidate activity.
- The Consulting Firm will prepare four documents (one for each Pilot Project) describing the REDD+ Pilot Projects, including a description of activities, investment requirements, a description of gender considerations included in the project design, results matrix, implementation arrangements including monitoring and evaluation.
- The firm is expected to execute the pilot projects according to the description of activities. Implementation of the Pilot Projects will be accompanied by relevant studies and workshops, to be carried out and facilitated by the Consulting Firm, with a view to ensuring that the lessons learned are well documented, disseminated, understood and discussed by stakeholders. The firm is expected to work closely with stakeholders during implementation of the identified Pilot Projects. Consultations are to be executed according to the national and IDB guidelines for stakeholder engagement.
- Profile of Consulting Firm
- Qualifications: A multi-disciplinary team of specialists is required that includes at minimum the following specific Key Experts:
- Environmental/ Natural Resources Management specialist;
- Social Science specialist;
- Socio-Economic Analysis specialist;
- MRVs specialist;
- Conservation/Environmental Impact Assessment specialist.
- Experience: The firm should provide information demonstrating its principal areas of expertise and activities and a description of specific experiences relating to designing and implementing REDD+ pilot projects. Each team member shall have, at minimum, an MSc in fields relevant to each of the aforementioned areas of expertise and a minimum of ten (10) years of proven experience in each specific area of expertise. Participation by nationals among proposed Key Experts will be positively qualified.
- Skills and Abilities: Team members must also possess excellent oral and written English communication skills and be able to articulate ideas and write reports in a clear and concise style. Eligible firms must be able to communicate in culturally appropriate way with forest communities of Guyana.
- Teamwork: Good interpersonal skills and ability to establish and maintain effective working relations in a multicultural organization. Ability to provide effective support in relation to work conducted by colleagues.
- Availability: Firm is expected to be available immediately.
- Authority and Responsibility
The MNR has full authority and responsibility for this contract which includes oversight over service provider and of the procurement process. The MNR has been tasked with the responsibility of overseeing the process to develop and implement the National REDD+ Strategy, including the National MRVS, as well as readiness activities under the FCPF. A Project Execution Unit (PEU) was established as a new operational unit to implement all REDD+ related activities. The Ministry of Natural Resources, through the Project Coordinator will provide access to relevant personnel and information to be used in the preparation of the REDD+ Pilot Projects.
The management of MNR will, through the Project Coordinator, approve all outputs from this consultancy. The management of MNR will identify MNR staff members whom will be collaborating with the Consulting Firm to plan and execute Pilot Projects. The MNR will ensure that staff selected has been trained appropriately to support the implementation of the consultation strategies and plans. The Consulting Firm will receive full logistical support at pre-approved level, from the MNR. Where necessary; technical support will be sought from organisations in the natural resources and environmental sectors.
- Deliverables
- An Inception Report, to be presented within 4 weeks of commencing the consultancy;
- Report on the Prioritization and Selection Criteria for Pilot Projects inclusive of the 1-5 page profile of all potential project profiles and information on consultation sessions (whom was consulted, what was discussed, etc);
- Four documents describing the four (4) REDD+ Pilot Projects to be implemented, including a description of activities, investment requirements, a description of gender considerations include in the project design, results matrix, implementation arrangements including monitoring and evaluation;
- Semi-annual monitoring reports describing the progress of each of the four (4) pilot project in terms of planned outputs, achievement of milestones and lesson learned, including a section on the community-based MRV;
- A document presenting the final evaluation of the four Pilot Projects, including recommendations and an Action Plan for scaling-up of the successful Pilot Project experiences during the implementation of REDD+.
- Schedule of Payments
The consultancy services will be contracted for a lump-sum with a breakdown will be paid in the following manner:
- 10% upon submission and acceptance of an Inception Report for the whole consultancy;
- 10% upon submission and acceptance of report on the Prioritization and Selection Criteria for Pilot Projects;
- 30% upon submission and acceptance of four documents describing the REDD+ Pilot Projects, including a description of activities, investment requirements, a description of gender considerations included in the project design, results matrix, implementation arrangements including monitoring and evaluation;
- 30% upon submission and acceptance of 3 semi-annual monitoring reports describing the progress of each pilot project in terms of planned outputs, achievement of milestones and lesson learned, including a section on the community-based MRV (10% per semi-annual monitoring report);
- 20% upon submission and acceptance of a document presenting the final evaluation of the four Pilot Projects, including recommendations and an Action Plan for scaling-up of the successful Pilot Project experiences during the implementation of REDD+.
- Schedule and Duration
The work of this project is expected to be conducted over a 15 months period, commencing August 2018.